Within the manufacturing industry, workplace equipment is heavily relied upon. Having the proper equipment and machinery makes for successful work however, without proper inspection and maintenance, a range of serious risks could be caused...
High consequences from injured employees, non-compliance fines and reputational downfall. By following the useful steps below, you can ensure safe and effective use of equipment:
Knowing when to inspect – Where there is a significant risk to
the operator of the equipment or others due to incorrect installation,
misuse of safety features, wear and tear of the equipment or under
exceptional circumstances.
Establish a routine – Necessary maintenance and frequency of
equipment inspections depend on the type, location and use of
equipment. Typically, inspections should take place when equipment
is either installed, moved or reinstalled; after an accident which has
compromised safety features or at determined intervals throughout
the time the equipment is in use.
Knowing how to inspect – It’s important to utilise resources such
as manufacturer or supplier handbooks, HSE guidelines or professional
guidance during these inspections. Crucial elements to check include
safety guards, structural supports, safety signage or warning
indicators, braking devices and emergency stops.
More importantly than anything, you need strong insurance.
Contact Addingstone Insurance today to discuss all aspects of Manufacturing Insurances from Public & Product Liability to machinery inspections and machinery breakdown cover.